Friday, July 31, 2009


The boys are getting to the age where they definitely need some discipline! Naughty behaviors include biting, smacking, pushing, screaming and whatever else they can do to cause some drama. I don't believe in 'spanking'. At this age they mimic behaviors and how confusing is it to a 18 month old for me to spank them for smacking their brother? Any person with common sense should see that. I also feel like people who spank their kids are doing it for their own gratification. They are frustrated that their toddler is not listening to them and they take out their own frustrations on the kid.

Enough with the rambling. So we did start timeouts. So far, I think they understand why they go there. Of course, they don't understand when I say 'don't do that our your going to timeout'...they just give me a smile and see how far they can go. After doing this for a couple of weeks, they will walk themselves over to time out when told. We're still working on the staying there part. I have realized three problems with trying to do timeout with twins. One is at this age it is impossible to put them both in timeout at the same time. They won't stay there so all you are doing is chasing them around. Two, while one is in timeout the other wants to entertain. Third, a lot of times I tell one to go to timeout and the other one will go. It is confusing at this age to associate their name with a specific action.

I have noticed a decrease in biting episodes since we started timeout. The smacking and pushing we are still working on!


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