Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Poop there it is!

A nurse in the NICU once told me that changing diapers would eventually get harder. Stupid me I didn't believe her. How can it get harder than trying to put on a diaper that is too large on a screaming wiggling baby that pees on me all time? It does. Now the baby can scream louder, wiggle better and pee in larger quantities. But that isn't even the hard part. Now I have to hold down a screaming wiggling peeing toddler that is trying to put his hands in his (excuse me...) poopy penis while his brother is picking up the soiled diaper and running around the room.

p.s. Do not let your toddler walk around in just a diaper. They do know how to get out of it, you just won't know it until you find them peeing in the corner.


Jodi said...

The sad thing is I bet potty training will be ten times harder!

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